Patient Partner Innovation Community (PPIC)
Amplifying Patient Voices to Improve Healthcare Quality and Safety
ATW Health Solution’s Patient Partner Innovation Community (PPIC) is a national network of over 3,000 patients, providers, volunteers, and healthcare professionals committed to improving healthcare quality, safety, and experience for all patient populations. As the healthcare industry has increasingly embraced patient and family voices to improve healthcare, PPIC collects and amplifies the voice of patients to enhance the quality of healthcare and safety.
ATW Health Solutions created PPIC to provide an innovation space for our members to share insights, learn from others, and focuses explicitly a collaborative network where patients can learn from others who are doing similar work in other communities. PPIC also specifically focuses on welcoming the voice of all patients, including vulnerable and underserved patient populations. PPIC features podcasts, social media groups, monthly digests, and other innovation strategies to elevate the voices of patients and families to improve healthcare quality, safety, and experience for all patients.
Empowering Everyday People in Quality and Safety Improvement Work.
PPIC is a diverse patient and consumer network with Over 3,000 active members across the U.S. Including patients, families, caregivers, and communities in transforming the U.S. healthcare system is critical. Due to limited experience, time, or resources, healthcare organizations often need help engaging these crucial voices effectively in their improvement efforts. ATW Health Solutions offers expertise in developing and managing patient and family engagement (PFE) and community engagement strategies.
The PPIC team includes professionals, subject matter experts, and a dedicated advocate with lived experience who have:
Established a diverse patient and consumer network with over 3,000 active members
Designed, implemented, and evaluated engagement plans for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and other programs
Supported national measurement research and development
Engaged patients, families, and caregivers in research and quality improvement initiatives
Created more than 40 Patient and Family Advisory Councils (PFACs) for hospitals and health systems
Placed over 500 patients, consumers, and community representatives on national healthcare projects
Patient and Family Engagement (PFE) Improves Health Outcomes
Data supports the impact of patient, family, and community engagement on healthcare quality and safety outcomes. ATW Health Solutions contributed to government improvement projects like the CMS Partnership for Patients (PfP) and Transforming Clinical Practice Initiative (TCPI), which served thousands of hospitals and clinicians. Their research found that hospitals incorporating patient and family voices into their improvement efforts had better healthcare outcomes, including lower rates of falls with injury and 30-day readmissions.
A PFE Strategy can Benefit Organizations by:
Translating healthcare promotions into public service messages that are understood by all
Improving access to patient appointments
Enhancing patient safety by reducing falls and medical errors
Redesigning hospital layouts to minimize errors
Increasing patient satisfaction and reducing complaints
Having a therapeutic effect on patients volunteering in PFACs
Raising awareness of the patient perspective for patient-centered care
Improving Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety
Our work is evidence-based and grounded in empirical data. Learn more about how patient and community engagement improve quality and safety.
What People Are Saying
“ATW Health Solutions helped move our work forward. Their deep expertise in patient engagement has been invaluable for the Center for Healthcare Strategies and our learning collaborative members.”
— Anna Spencer, Senior Program Officer at the Center for Healthcare Strategies
“ATW Health Solutions was able to help us recruit diverse patients. The patient advisers are now part of our advisory panel meetings. People really appreciate the candid patient partners.”
— Angelia Bowman, Director of Research and Analysis at the National Committee for Quality Assurance
“I would like to thank ATW Health Solutions for the wonderful information and insight provided. The team here at Tift has benefited tremendously from your knowledge.”
— LeAnn Pritchett, Director of Quality and Safety Tift Regional Medical Center System

PPIC Podcast
The Patient Partner Innovation Community (PPIC) is a network of people with experience in healthcare working through many different venues to improve all patients' quality, safety, and experience. Many are volunteers in their communities working directly with local and national healthcare organizations. ATW Health Solutions launched PPIC, which resulted from the expressed desire of patients, families, and advocates to network, share, learn from others, and participate in healthcare transformation work.