Learning and Communications
Problem-solving Approach that Focuses on Continuous Learning
ATW Health Solutions has a catalog of quality and safety improvement content used to advance strategies. Our subject-matter experts practice improvement science methodologies, so we constantly mine and identify better-performing hospitals, health systems, nursing homes, clinics, and other health delivery organizations. Our portfolio of educational tools is used across a range of clients representing different organization types and networks, including multiple CMS Quality Improvement Network/Quality Improvement Organization (QIO/QIN) awardees.

Our Strategic Approach to Transforming Healthcare
Our education and training programs are grounded in systems thinking, understanding variation, the theory of knowledge, the psychology of change, and evaluations. For one QIN/QIO partner, ATW deployed a learning model that utilized innovative improvement and data-driven methodologies suitable for spread to achieve and improve health outcomes in categories that cover opioid utilization and misuse, behavioral health, patient safety, chronic disease management, care coordination, COVID-19 and infection control, immunization, and CLAS training. ATW developed a data stratification methodology and dashboard for our client. Our team identified gaps in care through data analysis and developed reports delivered to CMS for both Nursing Homes and Partnership for Community Health coalitions.