Podcasts and Videos

Harnessing Patient Engagement to Improve Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety

ATW Health Solutions offers podcasts and videos to help our clients improve quality and safety outcomes. Our training and education focus on increasing person, family, and community engagement, an approach to health care that places the patient at the center of improvement efforts, leading to better patient outcomes and increased patient satisfaction.

PPIC Podcast

The Patient Partner Innovation Community (PPIC) is a network of people with experience in healthcare working through many different venues to improve all patients' quality, safety, and experience. Many are volunteers in their communities working directly with local and national healthcare organizations. ATW Health Solutions launched PPIC, which resulted from the expressed desire of patients, families, and advocates to network, share, learn from others, and participate in healthcare transformation work.

ATW Prior Project: Black Youth Mental Health

A Focus on Patient Engagement

Patient Powered Innovation Community

Dr. Knitasha Washington: A Transformative Healthcare Leader

ATW’s Evidence-Based, Empirically Driven Approach