Past Projects and Clients

Previous Clients

ATW Health Solutions has been a trusted industry voice in healthcare transformation for our public sector and commercial clients for over a decade. At ATW Health Solutions, our commitment to revolutionizing healthcare delivery is unwavering. We are dedicated to elevating quality and safety standards in healthcare services, ensuring comprehensive and compassionate care for all Americans. Our vision propels us to be at the forefront of introducing innovative strategies that address today’s challenges while foreseeing the healthcare needs of tomorrow and establishing new benchmarks for healthcare excellence.

Over 30 Public Sector and Commercial Projects

ATW Health Solutions has partnered nationally and locally to improve healthcare. Our select body of recent work contributions include:

  • Large-Scale Quality Improvement Program Design and Implementation

    • 2011 - 2019 CMC Partnership for Patients Hospital Improvement and Innovations Network (HIIN) 2015 - 2019 CMS Transforming Clinical Practice Initiative (TCPI)

  • Patient and Family Engagement Program Development and Implementation

    • 2019 - Present MIDS Person and Family Engagement (PFE)

  • Strategic Planning and Technical Assistance

    • Strategic Planning and Technical Assistance 2017 - 2018 University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)

  • Research, Study Design and Evaluations

    • 2018 - Patient First Study (Vizient)

    • 2015 - 2018 CEERIAS REsearch (Northwestern)

  • Staffing and Workforce Development

    • 2019 - Department of Defense Non-Clinical Case Management

  • Data Analytics, Data Reporting and Information Technology

    • 2019 - Diagnostic Error (Iowa Healthcare Collaborative)

    • 2019 - Patients First Benchmarking Study (Vizient)

Past Project Highlights

  • Health Center Community Engagement Structure (HCCES)

    ATW established and implemented a Health Center Community Engagement Structure (HCCES) to serve as the primary vehicle for engaging and elevating the voices and experiences of those directly impacted by the health center program

  • Minority Leadership Development Program

    ATW organized a program aimed at enhancing the representation of historically underrepresented Americans in Federal public health leadership by placing fellows at HHS agencies for hands-on experience. The program offered a curriculum of ten modules focusing on health disparities and leadership, delivered to 26 fellows through interactive sessions alongside a comprehensive evaluation plan to assess the program's impact.


    ATW utilized partnerships with community members in two predominantly Black and Hispanic Chicago neighborhoods at high-risk for stroke to develop an educational program to spread messaging about stroke warning signs and symptoms, promote trust, and communicate the importance of early arrival to the Emergency Department.

  • Disparity Impact Strategy

    ATW engaged with the OMH Disparity Impact Strategy to build a comprehensive data-driven approach for identifying and addressing health disparities to promote health outcomes for all Americans.

  • Equitable Healthcare Measurement

    ATW Health Solutions led research on patient-centered measurement for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Equitable Healthcare Measurement (EHM) Project. The research included a summary memo report, case study, call-to-action video, and key findings.

  • Engaging Patients of Color to Advance Health Equity Learning Collaborative

    ATW provided thought leadership and coaching to 7 healthcare and community-based organizations selected to participate in a learning collaborative to promote more meaningful partnerships with patients and communities of color through existing or new mechanisms.