Disparity Impact Strategy Implementation Support
Disparity Impact Strategy Implementation Support Project
ATW Health Solutions managed the development and update of the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health (OMH) materials for implementing the Disparity Impact Strategy and Disparity Impact Statement (DIS) through the completion of the following activities:
Contract Administration/Project management
Mixed-methods research
Quality improvement
Environmental scan and summary
Key informant interviews
Briefing materials on the Disparity Impact Strategy, data and policy drivers, and processes
DIS grantee toolkit for HHS/OMH staff and grant awardees
Training and technical assistance (T/TA) for HHS/OMH staff
Final Report on lessons learned and recommendations for future OMH activities
Disparity Impact Strategy Case Studies
ATW engaged with the OMH Disparity Impact Strategy to build a comprehensive data-driven approach for identifying and addressing health disparities to promote health equity for racial and ethnic minority populations that: (1) Creates a strategic focus on health disparities and opportunities for promoting health equity; (2) Uses a data-informed quality improvement approach to address racial and ethnic disparities; (3) Incorporates a health equity lens into grant-making operations.
Contractor Performance Assessment Report (CPAR) Evaluation Results
Quality: Exceptional
Schedule: Exceptional
Cost Control: Exceptional
Management: Exceptional
Assessing Official Comments on Quality: