Engaging Communities to Inform Performance Measurement Webinar

ATW Solutions invites you to join an insightful webinar, in partnership with the National Quality Forum, on shaping quality measurement through community involvement. The hour-long webinar on Tuesday, February 25 at 2:00 PM EST will feature a case study by Anna Rondon about Indigenous Lifeways, an Indigenous woman-led organization dedicated to restoring health and balance for the Indigenous communities and the environment in and around Gallup, NM. Sepheen Byron, DrPH, MHS, Senior Managing Director, NQF, will facilitate a panel discussion with Anna Rondon and Desiree Bradley of ATW Health Solutions to discuss real-world approaches to engaging communities when shaping the quality measurement landscape.


2024 Anthony T. Washington Sr. Legacy Scholarship Recipients Announced


ATW to Lead Diagnostic Youth Mental Health Excellence (DYME) Project